Thursday, September 29, 2005

Moving out into the Field

I'm all settled into both my work and living space, not that I'll be spending much time in them. Got together with my nephew, 1st Lieutenant Richard "Joey" Fay USMCR, yesterday for lunch. Today I packed up my essential gear and temporarily moved over to his battalion's CP at Camp Mercury. His unit, 2nd Battalion of the 7th Marine Regiment (aka 2/7) is the very same battalion that my father and Joey's grandfather fought in during WWII.

The night before last (Sept.27th) I, along with other "war artists" were interviewed live by a PRI radio show called Radio Open Source and was broadcast from the studios of WGBH in Boston. I called in using an Iridium satellite phone. You can hear the interviews at

Also, you can see a photo of Joey and I at his blog,


vmijpp said...

correction... the Radio interview is at



Peter said...

Great BLOG! I have some pointers for fixing the links in your sidebar area (i.e. EDIT-ME). If you have the time, please stop by my Finding Your Inner Blog.

Take Care!