The exhibition of Fire and Ice: Marine Corps Art from Afghanistan and Iraq has garnered some very nice reviews and media exposure. The James A. Michener Art Museum has two television and one radio piece posted to the exhibit's webpage on their site. So, if you'd like to see me in front of the camera and microphone go to
Sculpture by Charles Sargeant Jagger
At the moment I'm working on two new sculptures. I've been particularly inspired by a WWI British sculptor named
Charles Sargeant Jagger. In 1935 he published a "how to" book, which I was able to purchase through His technique involves doing a full unclothed figure followed by dressing it in both uniform and gear.
Last month I attended an
ecorche workshop at
Studio Incamminati, a Philadelphia fine arts
atelier, conducted by painter
Robert Liberace. The term
ecorche had never crossed either my mind or lips prior to signing up for this incredible class. Ecorche is French for
flayed. Robert showed us how to create a figure from the bones up. His working knowledge of the skeleton and muscular system was as expansive as mine was lacking. So....I'm trying to make up for lost time. Here are the two pieces I have in progress.
Figure done in
sculpey over wire armature. The sculpey can be heated with a hot air gun and hardened as you build up layers.
240 Gulf Machine Gunner-work in progress, plasticine over a sculpey/wire armature. I built the boots piece by piece, starting with the sole, adding the heel cup, and then the tongue and side panels. Right at the end I'll add the boot laces. The leg at the left will have a drop holster added, hence the flattened pocket. The right leg cargo pocket is hanging low.....bursting with everything from extra food to ammunition and AA batteries.
Battle Pause in Husayba
Another medium I'm experimenting with is called yupo. Yupo is a synthetic paper that's very adaptable to watercolor. It allows for dramatic "puddleing" effects and its brillant white surface is the ideal compliment for watercolors.
Overwatch, New Ubaydi, Operation Steel Curtain-watercolor on yupo