Thursday, March 24, 2011

Forty Years Later Than Planned

Yours truly at the corner of Haight and Ashbury Streets in San Francisco

For all of last week, and up to Wednesday of this week, I was in San Francisco. The first week was spent with my MFA in Illustration class. We met a ton of great artists and were treated to a tour of the Lucasfilm studios located aboard the former Presidio military base. Some of the artists who gave us talks and interacted with were Bill Russell, Chuck S. Pyle, Courtney Granner, Craig Frazier, Dennis Zieminski, Lou Brooks, Noah Kiosek, Vivienne Flesher, and Robert Hunt

I also got to finally meet my agent, Katie Boyle, and my co-author, Don DeNevi.

But the big event was finally making it, after forty long years, to the corner of Haight and Ashbury Streets, ground zero of my high school years' dreams of being a hippie. Strange irony then, that on the same day of this photo, I was featured on Fox and Friends, and interviewed about a series of mine called Still in the Fight featured last week by the New York Times. I was also interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio (eat your heart out Garrison Keeler) and had the drawings and articles reviewed in Great Britain's Guardian Newspaper.

Not a bad week after forty years.


Rob said...

I hope forty years from now I will have accomplished as much as you. Amazing Mike.

liz butler said...

I've just finished reading aloud your "Still in the Fight" NYT series to an 81 year old who is in rehab after a stroke. Your portrayals of rehab and courage have provided a dose of much needed inspiration for his morale. Thank you, sincerely, for your work.

R. D. H. said...

I have to thank you again for your work. Your moving drawings and accompanying narrative are helping keep the reality of the cost of war in front of our population. I ask my friends and associates how much they have heard about Iraq and Afghanistan in the media in recent months, and they are hard-pressed to remember anything significant.

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